Programme of Study

(A) Under DTE, Govt. of Kerala
(B) Under CTTC, Govt. of India
(C) Under BSS, Govt. of India
(D) Under the Ministry of Transport, Govt. of Kerala
(E) Short Term Courses

Unique Features

I FAST is well equipped with the necessary facilities including air conditioned Digi Training Hall (Power Point Presentaion, Audio- Visual, CCTV etc.) and will conduct the above training in Malayalam, English, Hindi and in – local vernacular from HALF DAY Session on words as required by the industries, else at a location decided by companies or at FAST, Petta Ernakulam.

IFAST will conduct Out Bound Training Programme in all over Kerala and at National.


Library consists of Text books, Technical Journals, Indian and Foreign, Fire Manuals, Chronicles and
Periodicals on various subjects and topics.


Project Work is a part of the curriculum during the course period and may be arranged at major Public Limited Companies/ Private Companies/ Industries subject to the availability and their terms and conditions

Industrial Visit

Industrial Visit will be arranged as a part of the curriculum activities.


I FAST will arrange practical training at Major Public Limited Companies/Private Companies/Industries or at I FAST, Petta Kochi.